Some Senior High

Brief Profile

The Somè Senior High School, Agbozume, was founded in 1966. It was founded by the Agbozume Scholars Association [ASA] and christened Agbozume Secondary School [AGBOSCHO]. The school was administered as a Private Community Institution until 27th March, 1973 when it was given a temporary certificate of registration as a secondary school [Reg. No. VR/2/] under the Ghana Education Service.

The Agbozume Secondary School was eventually absorbed into the public school system on 11th October, 1977, with the registration no. VR/P1/21/23 with the name Somè Secondary School [SOSEC] and the motto "tso nakle" [Arise and Shine] and Mr. T. S. Avugla as its first public headmaster (Acting).


In the coming years, we foresee a Some Senior High School that is well-endowed infrastructurally, that has more qualified, competent, well-motivated and dedicated staff, and that has well-disciplined and academically-sound students.


For us in Some Senior High School, the concept of education goes beyond training for jobs. It denotes the whole dimension of academic, cultural, moral and spiritual development. We, therefore, aim at nurturing and training those who pass through SOSEC into be academically sound and morally upright people who are capable of contributing their quota to the development of the nation.



General Science

Home Economics

Visual Arts

General Arts



Telephone: 0208099653/0244835243


Year of Establishment:1966

Location: Agbozume

School Type:Public

Residential Status:Day/Boarding


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