Holy Family Senior High

Brief Profile

Holy Family Senior High School is located in Hamile, in Lambussie-Karni - District, the Upper West Region.The founding of the school was established based on the given baseline data such as high poverty rate (as high as 88%) Region wide, high illiteracy rate, intense outmigration to the South, high unemployment rate, Compulsory Education Programme only covers age-group 4-14, high drop-out rate, only 1 high school in a district of 30,000 people, exposure of the youth to anti-social elements and vices, and the long time appeal of the community to have their own secondary school. With these indicators coupled with the keen interest of the Bishop of Wa Diocese, Most. Rev. Paul Bemile, an initiative was formed forging partnership with the Congregation of St. Joseph of Lyon sisters, France.


To make education accessible to all without discrimination towards the integral human development.


To empower the youth and promote fuller life through imparting integral education at all levels.


Home Economics


General Arts



Email: holyfamilyshs@gmail.com

Year of Establishment:2009

Location: Hamile

School Type:Public

Residential Status:Day/Boarding


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