Achimota College

Brief Profile

Achimota, an educational institution designed with the aim of providing for the educational needs of the people of the Gold Coast, from kindergarten to university, was founded in Accra in 1927 as the Prince of Wales College by the government of the Gold Coast. It was to provide education and character training that would equip those who would attend it, for the needs of the nation.

The school crest explains the school’s motto-black and white keys of the piano put together. ‘Ut Omnes Unum Sint,’ meaning “that all may be one”, which was designed by Dr. Kwagyri Aggrey - His idea was that the black and white race can live together in harmony; also boys and girls can be educated together to bring about harmony.


To be the best school both locally and internationally by training the Head, the Hand and the Heart holistically.


To educate the total being of boys with girls not just in academics, but to make the best use of the minds and bodies, and have respect for all that is true and of lasting value in the Old African Culture, beliefs and ways of life.



Home Economics

General Science

Visual Arts

General Arts




Year of Establishment:1927

Location:Achimota ,Accra

School Type:Public

Residential Status:Day/Boarding


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