Effutu Senior High Technical

Brief Profile

Effutu Senior High Technical School was established as a community day school with fifty (50) boys and girls in February 1999. It was later absorbed into the public educational system by the government through the Ghana education service (G.E.S) in September 2001. Records available indicate that this school is the brain child and the outcome of the untiring efforts of his royal highness the chief of Efutu, Nana Afari Twarko VI, the Queen Mother Nana Amba Eyiaba I, and the then hardworking Assemblyman Mr. Freeman Abaidoo who collaborated with the world vision international, the providers of the initial infrastructure for Efutu Senior High Technical School.


The vision of the school among others was and continues to be providing quality and purposeful education to the youth nationwide through quality instruction, effective supervision and efcient management of human, material and fnancial resources available.


The mission of the school is to provide quality instruction through effective participation in the teaching and learning processes and efcient school management.


Home Economics

General Science


Visual Arts

General Arts



Telephone: 0545027256, 0243559177, 0245006614

Email: ccests1999@gmail.com

Year of Establishment:1999

Location:Cape Coast

School Type:Public

Residential Status:Day/Boarding


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