The National Science and Maths Quiz is an annual science and mathematics
based national level quiz competition for senior high schools in Ghana.
It has been produced by Primetime Limited, an advertising
and public relations agency with an interest in education, since 1993.
Each contesting school receives 4 Biology, 4 Chemistry, 4 Physics and 4 Mathematics questions, totaling 16 to answer.
The Speed Race Questions are thrown to the contesting school and the first to answer gets full three (3) points.
Problem of the day! The contestants are required to solve a single questions within 3 minutes. This question is worth 10 points.
True or False statements are given to the contestants in turns. The goal is to determine whether each statement is True or False.
Clues are given to the contesting schools. The schools are to compete against each other to find the answers to the riddles.
The diagram below represents a simplified water cycle. Use it to answer the following questions.
I am a principle.
That describes the behaviour of fluids
I am responsible for operation of hydraulic machines.
Who am I?
I have different types
I may be considered natural, whole, positive or negative
I am the basic building blocks of Mathematics.
I am often considered reasonable or rational as well as crazy or irrational.
I may be terminating or repeating.
You can locate me on a line bearing my name.
Who am I?
Apart from a point or a segment, I am the simplex geometrical figure.
I am an open figure
I may be acute, obtuse or reflex
I am the union of two rays with a common vertex. I am measured in degrees and radians
I may be a point of view or a way of looking at a problem
Who am I?